COVID-19 Guidelines

(Updated May 25, 2021) We continue to monitor COVID-19 and its impact on not just our area but those where we backpack, as well. We are committed to ensuring the safety of all our members. To that end, DC UL has developed the following guidelines for our trips.

  • All participants should clearly and honestly communicate any concerns they have regarding their potential exposure. You should stay home if you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, if you have been in close contact with anyone who has displayed such symptoms, or otherwise believe that you might have been exposed.
    • If you have any concerns or considerations that you’d like to address about your participation or our guidelines, we encourage and welcome you to reach out directly to the trip leader or to DC UL’s organizer with your questions.
  • We will be following recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on mask wearing and social distancing, and will adhere to state or local policies where we go. Be respectful of trail communities by following the rules in place in local communities and businesses while traveling to/from or while on a trip.
  • We operate point-to-point hikes which involve a car shuttle. Masks may be required during the shuttles. Members should only join these trips if they meet the following conditions: 
    • They are comfortable being in a car with other people.
    • They are comfortable wearing a mask during the car shuttle.
  • Trip leaders may set an official carpool at their discretion. Members are welcome to ask for rides or offer rides if an official carpool isn’t set.
    • Please be respectful of each driver’s comfort level. Some may ask that all riders wear a mask or ask for proof of vaccination status.
  • We will continue to adhere to our policy of following LNT guidance for groups to be no larger than 10 – and even smaller if needed given the trailhead being used.
  • Consider your recent fitness level before participating on a trip, especially if you have not been hiking recently. If a trip leader hasn’t been out on a hike with you recently, the leader may reach out to discuss the trip in more detail with you to ensure you are prepared.

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